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Paid Media

Google Display vs Search Ads: Differences and When To Use Them

by Victor Okonkwo
Paid Media

Any advertiser may find it challenging to choose between search and display ads for their online campaigns. Making the wrong choice could waste a significant portion of your paid advertising budget, so choosing carefully is crucial.

So how do you determine which is superior? How can you use display and search to get the most out of your investment?

Google Search Ads "pull" you into the advertising while Google Display Ads "push" you to see the ads. We advise running separate campaigns for Google Search Ads and Display Ads. In this article, we will answer all of your questions and go over everything you need to know about using display ads vs. search ads for your company in.

Search Ads

One of the most well-known types of PPC advertising is paid search advertising, in which businesses pay (using an auction-based model) to have their ads shown above and below organic search engine results when users type in specific keywords.

For instance, a search for "online course" on Google's SERP displayed this ad above the natural results:

Three main elements of search ads—the headline, display URL, and description text—are all intended to persuade users to click through. Additionally, ad extensions can be used to give users more information.

The bid and Quality Score determine how frequently search ads appear, their rankings, and the cost per click. 

Display Ads

Although Google display advertising still originates from the Google Ads interface, it performs very differently from paid search ads.

In contrast to standard Google search ads, Google display ads are advertisements that are displayed to users across 2 million or more websites, videos, and applications that are a part of the Google Display Network (GDN), based on their prior online activity.

Additionally, unlike search ads (which only show up in the SERP), display ads are not restricted to appearing in a single location. Over 2 million display ads that reach over 90% of online users are visible throughout the entire GDN. On social media, they can appear in a variety of locations, such as on the side of the main feed or directly in news feeds.

Which To Use Each of the Ad Types

In order to reach the widest audience, Google advises advertisers to set up both search and display campaigns. The key to advertising is getting your product or service in front of the right audience, not just the biggest, so maximizing reach isn't always a good thing.

Google Display Ad: When Should You Use It?

In some situations, Google Display's benefits outweigh its drawbacks, for example:• When visuals take precedence: Display ads are a wise choice if your brand has a distinct visual identity and aims to increase upper-funnel brand awareness. Through display campaigns that feature eye-catching visuals, display ads give you the chance to highlight your brand and stand out from the crowd. Display ads are a good choice if you want to reach potential customers who might not be actively looking for your product or service.

  • When you're trying to raise awareness for those with passive intent: You can reach a large audience because display ads are displayed on websites that are a part of the Google Display Network. These people may be interested in what you have to offer but may not be aware of it until they see your ad.
  • If your brand has a longer sales cycle: Display ads can be an effective way to keep your brand in front of potential customers if your brand has a longer sales cycle. You can gradually increase awareness and interest in your brand by showcasing it through compelling visuals and messaging. This can result in conversions, particularly for more expensive goods or services.
  • When you want to target niche markets: Display ads can be strategically used to target very specific niches because of their high level of targeting. You can be sure that your advertisements are being seen by the precise audience most appropriate for your brand by targeting based on interests, behavior, or even geographic location.

Reasons for Using Search Ads

1. To boost natural traffic

Some companies simply do not have the time to wait for SEO to pay off. While organic results emphasize comparative content, search ads much more quickly direct users to solutions. Because of this, search advertising is a fantastic short-term strategy as you work to increase your organic presence.

2. To gather top-notch leads

With search ad campaigns, you can use various keyword match types and negative keywords to prevent your ad from being displayed when users search for terms unrelated to your company.

3. When serving a local clientele

Search ads are a better choice if you provide local service and want to connect with people in your area. You won't gain much from using display ads to reach a global audience if your target market is so small and narrow.

4. If your sales cycle is brief

If your product or service has a quick sales cycle and you don't need to keep promoting (remarketing) to people who have shown interest in your brand in the past, search ads are ideal for you.

5. To advertise emergency supplies

It's a good idea to start with search ads if you offer an "urgent" or "emergency" service (plumbers, locksmiths, tow trucks, emergency veterinarians, electricians, etc.). If someone sees your display ad while reading a blog post or scrolling through Facebook, they are probably not going to pay for these services.

Instead, they will probably look for a service to assist them right away if they are locked out of their car, or their dog becomes suddenly ill.

6. If your budget is limited

Search engine advertising may be the best option if you're just starting out or developing a lower-budget campaign for a number of reasons.

  • You have two payment options when running a PPC advertising campaign: per click and per 1,000 impressions.
  • You have more control over who you reach when you bid on highly relevant keywords, which results in more qualified leads, higher conversion rates, and better ROI. PPC efforts are simpler to quantify and defend, and once you've mastered them, you can think about expanding to the Display Network.

The secret to any successful marketing campaign is knowing when to use which advertising platform.

You now understand that search and display operate in very different ways, just like this article did. Looking at how to utilize their strengths to the fullest now gives you the power of this knowledge! While display ads work to increase brand awareness on websites, the search network excels at generating high-intent, targeted searches that are likely to convert.

The opposites of conversion and awareness can work together for the common good! Both display and search ads are effective at increasing sales. All you need to do is give each the appropriate offer and creativity. Contact MediaFuse if you need assistance setting up these kinds of campaigns on your Google Ads accounts. We would be delighted to assist you in creating successful campaign segments.

About the author
Victor Okonkwo
Victor Okonkwo is an accomplished digital marketer and the visionary founder of MediaFuse Agency. With a passion for technology and a deep understanding of the digital landscape, Victor has made a significant impact in the marketing industry, helping businesses achieve their goals and thrive in the online world.